Q: How does Bill Clinton say "I'm about to hurt you"?
A: "Trust me."

Q: How can you tell when Bill Clinton is telling a lie by looking at his face?
A: If his lips are moving, then he's lying.

A father was reading her daughter a fairytale when the daughter asked "Do all fairytales start with the words 'Once upon a time'?" The father replied, " No, most start with 'If elected, I will'"

George Bush falls into a river and before the secret service could get to him, two kids fish him out of the water. He thanks them and tells them they can have anything they want. One says " I want to go to Disneyland. Bush says " No problem, I'll fly you there on Air Force 1. Another kid says he wants a wheel chair with a built in TV nd stereo. George Bush is puzzled by this and said " You don't look handicapped" and the kid replies " I will be when my dad finds out I just saved your butt from drowning!"

What will Bush answer when you ask him what 2+2 equals?



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